b'With only 41 active members; any person assigned to the Atlantic Strike Team is likely to make a big impact in the Coast Guards environmental mission. The Coast Guard men & women colocated on JB MDL are a specially trained & have an evolving cache of technologicall advanced equipment to help assist the federal government with training for oil & hazardous material spill response. Member Spotlight:Its nothing like the SEGA Genesis he started on. Petty officer Claudio Giugliano, front runner of Coast Guard Gaming (CGG) & mgr of the Coast Guard eSports team never thought his enthusiasm for gaming would have landed him where he is. Two years ago, the Coast Guard announced producing a team to compete in the Rocket League championship. I saw the oppty & took it, says Giugliano. With more than 400 hrs of Rocket League game time on the books, & having gone to three tournaments in the past as a spectator, Giugliano was the shoo-in. That year the Coast Guard placed second behind the Army & the next year placed second again behind the Air Force.While not working on oil & hazardous materials clean-up jobs Petty Officer Giugliano spends a lot of his free time as the face of Coast Guard Gaming. He runs the CGG Discord server and has the Emergency Management Agency Emergencyresponsibility of organizing tournaments to recruit Support Functions for search & rescue and Oil &CGG players for upcoming eGames tournaments. Hazardous Materials Response. After over 750The venture has taken off & is now on par with people were rescued from perilous floodwaters; theother armed services eSports teams. You can even work remaining was to assess & address the threatsbuy official CGG clothing online.Jto the environment left in the wake of the storm.Using small unmanned aircraft to survey the dam- U.S. Coast Guardage & environmental impacts, Chief passed infor- Petty Officer mation to crews of oil removal contractors like thoseClaudio Giuglianoled by Petty Officer Giugliano. Those crews would Photo courtesy then remove the environmental hazard from vessels Petty Officer First Class Lisa Ferdinandoposing articulable threat to the environment. Chief Osinboyejo said that everything went as well as expected, and, in essence, it was a benefi-cial learning experience for people getting their feet wet in this type of environmental work.Learn more about Coast Guadr GamingContract# 6008Access Self Storagehttps://www.coastguardmwr.org/cggaming2023 Military Appreciation Resource Magazinehttps://www.accessselfstorage.comJBMDLAir and Space Open HousePower In The Pines 2023 47'