b'The Ordnance Bomb Page 8CUSTODIS PRO FERRUM GOMA Retired Team Delivers Critical Night Vision Technology to Korea Five Months Early The L3Harris Logistics team of Rick Byno,to the equipment, repair parts, training andpany needed to pull material in earlier than ChadBacastowandAndrewAntenorcurztechnicalsupport.Thecontractwassplitexpected, but IVS manufacturing team was traveled to South Korea to present the sec- betweentwodeliveries,thefirstofwhichbuilding like gangbusters throughout the ondandfinaldeliverytoKoreasDepart- was made in November of last year, and theproject,allwithoutpullinginadditional mentofAcquisitionProgramAdministra- secondoriginallyscheduledforDecemberstaff or adding shifts to the production line. tion (DAPA) and the Korean military. The2020.However, during a Program Manage- According to Byno, employees operated as a eventcelebratedthedeliveryofGroundmentReviewfollowingthefirstdelivery,unified team with a common goal and objec-Panoramic Night Vision Goggles (GPNVG)Korean military officials requested an expe- tive, committed to speed and excellence. five months ahead of schedule.diteddeliveryforthesecondshipment almosthalfayearearlierthanoriginallyThats why they like doing business with us: scheduled.were able to adapt and overcome to provide themwithwhattheywanted,headded. Operations did a fantastic job meeting theOur relationship with their Special Forces milestones we were setting early, Byno said.organization is very close, and theyre always This wasnt one individual going above andlooking for the next piece of equipment that beyond. We couldnt have deliveredwill be a combat multiplier. earlyifitwerentforPurchasing pulling in parts and monitoring deliv- The two-week trip began with ery, Operations building the product,spending one night in a Kore-ProductManagementplanningtheangovernmentquarantine The relationship L3Harris and the Koreanbuild schedule within the other sys- facility and getting tested for Military have cultivated over the years, ac- temsales,QualityensuringitwasCOVID-19.Negativetest cording to Rick Byno, Director of Logisticsinspectedandtested,Packagingtoresults came back in less than forCommunicationsSystemsIntegratedget it to Korea and Exports and Fi- 10hours,afterwhichthe Vision Solutions (IVS) sector. nancetoprovidesupportingpaper- teams travel was monitored, work. They all played a critical part in this.and they were required to check in with an IVS began work on the GPNVG program inAndourLogisticsteamdidntbataneyeapp downloaded on their phone every day. 2018 when the Republic of Korea officiallygoing over there during the pandemic. awarded the company a the contract awardItwasquitetheexperience,Bynosaid.for 1,052 units, as well as Logistics supportTo meet the accelerated schedule, the com- Mission complete!Your Board ChairmanVice-ChairmanSecretaryTreasurer Charles W. Bushnell MGySgt (Ret)Michael S. Lewis, MGySgt (Ret) Jerod Murphy, CWO4, USMCVacant Chairman@usmcgoma.orgViceChairman@usmcgoma.org Secretary@usmcgoma.orgTreasurer@usmcgoma.org52 Military Appreciation Resource Magazine HOctober 2020 H Thank You For Your Service'