b'Volume 3, Issue 1 CUSTODIS PRO FERRUMPage 7 FREEMASONRY IN THE BIRTHING OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS (continued)tary Lodge during the year 1782. ThethroughtherecentlynamedNavalordered by one prominent Freemason MasoniclegitimacyoftheforegoingCommittee of the Second Continentaland signed by another and recruited in three Brethren having now been estab- Congress.ThiscommitteedraftedapartbystillanotherFreemason.All lished,wecancontinue.Whentheresolution, subsequently passed by thethreebrethrenpreviouslymentioned Revolutionary War between Great Brit- Congress on 10 November 1775, creat- served throughout the War and acquit-ainand herAmericanColoniesbursting2battalionsofContinentalMa- ted themselves handsomely, as did the forth, a number of these colonies hadrines,thusestablishingtheforegoingMarinesundertheircommand.The smallnaviesoftheirownandtheirdate as the official Birthday of the Unit- exploitsofMarinesthroughoutthe contingents of Marines. In addition, aed States Marine Corps. Brother JohnRevolutionaryWarandthroughthe number of Privateers were about, manyHancock, President of Congress, signeddecades to this very moment are part of withatokendetachmentofMarines.a Captain\'s commission on 28 Novem- thegreathistoryofourNation.Itis Marines were mostly utilized in that dayber 1775, for Brother Samuel Nicholassafe to say, that many Freemasons have aboard men of war to provide securityand charged him with raising a force ofserved in the Marine Corps and helped aboard ship, maintain order among theMarines.BrotherNicholasremainedmold its policies and history. The little crews, as well as defending the officersthe senior officer of Marines through- tavernonWaterStreetinthecityof and ship against mutiny. The MarinesouttheAmericanRevolutionandisPhiladelphia,reputedbymanytobe were always considered elite volunteerstraditionallyrecognizedasthefirstthe site of the first recorded meeting of andthereforeloyaltoofficersandCommandantoftheMarineCorps.a Lodge of Freemasons in the colonies, country. In addition, due to their prow- Tun tavern appears to have become thewas indeed, the documented birthplace essinmarksmanship,theyweresta- focal point of recruiting efforts and onof the United States Marine Corps; and tioned in the topsails and upper rigging25 June 1776, Brother Robert Mullen,Freemasonrywasindeed,mostinstru-duringtimesofbattletogiveenemytherobustinnkeeper,wascommis- mentalinthebirthingofthatCorps. officers and gunners an opportunity tosioned Captain of Marines and recruit- Freemasonry can take pride in the fact diefortheircountryasanyexposureedhiscompanywhichsubsequentlythat our craft was and continues to be, meant that you would become a targetfought with Brother Washington\'s forc- influentialinmattersconcerningthe foraMarinesharpshooter. Also,theyes at the battles of Trenton and Prince- MarineCorps.Thequalitiesrequired formed a solid defense on deck to assistton.InNovemberof1775,BrotherofaCommissionedandNoncommis-in repelling boarders when ships cameIsaacCraig,oneofthefirstofmanysionedOfficerofMarinesthen,and alongsideoneanotherduringbattle.Irishmen who would serve in the Ma- stilltoday, ofloyalty,integrity, profes-The high training of Marines and theirrineCorpswascommissionedFirstsionalism,patriotismandespritare professionalism thus lent some sense ofLieutenantofMarines.Hewassoonunquestionablythesamequalities dignitytowhat would haveotherwisepromoted Captain of Marines, becom- taught to and expected of, members of been nothing more than a vulgar brawl!ing the Adjutant under Brother Nicho- the "Ancient and Honorable Fraternity Thus, when all these various small na- las, now a Major and in command ofof Free Masons". Once again, it is safe vies and ships were gathered under onethe Marine Battalion fighting with theto say that those of us who can claim commandtheywereformedintoanContinentalArmyunderBrothermembership in both of these "Bands of AmericanNavyand it felltoBrotherWashingtonatthebattleofTrenton.Brothers", take great pride in this con-GeorgeWashingtontomakeaprovi- So now you have the tale of how thenection and look forward to the contin-sion to press for a proper organizationUnited States Marine Corps began. Itued and unqualified success of both the of Continental Marines to flush out thewas commanded by a dedicated officerCraft and the Corps. New Continental Navy. This was doneand Freemason, whose commission wasThank You For Your Service HOctober 2020 H Military Appreciation Resource Magazine 51'