b'Volume 3, Issue 1 CUSTODIS PRO FERRUMPage 3 From the Chairman:Charles Bushnell Monthly MeetingsWelcome all to Volume 3 of our Quarterly Newsletter! While we may not be able to social gather with our Brothers at this time in groups, we are all still here for each other.Please re- TheBoardofDirectorsholdsa member, the GOMA is alive and well because of the support from its members and Ordnanceboard meeting (Conference Call) community as a whole. Not only are we here to for paid members, but all Active OrdnancethesecondWednesdayofeach Marines as well.We need you to keep ears to the ground for anyone in need or of any notable events that should be recognized, send the information to our editor; Mike Lewisvicechair- month at 1900 East coast time. man@usmcgoma.org.A special thanks to all who have been contributing articles to the News- We are asking you to join us by letter.II MEF Marines sure have been standing out! A most important milestone for us has also just happened! We have been approved for the Tax Exempt Status from the IRS!Nowcallingintothefollowing that we are a 501(c)(3), I am putting out the call for sponsors, donations or fund raising op- numbers:848-220-3300 Access portunities.The purpose of these needed funds is to get our first scholarships funded forCode 306434. the 2021/22 academic year.Semper Fidelis Marines! ORDNANCE KEY BILLET HOLDERS: It is important that we know HQMC/LPM-2whatyouwantanddesire LtColThesolinaHubert-LPM-2GroundEquipment CommodityManagementSectionfrom the Ground Ordnance Head. Capt Jason Beck- 21XX Occupational Field ManagerMaintenanceAssociation MGySgt Lance Baughman- Senior Enlisted Advisor to DC Installations & Logistics 21XXand look forward to hearing Occupational Field Manager Commodity Management Section (LPM-2)yourideasonmakingthis MARFORPAC:Maj Michael Bressler MGySgt Shawn Youngorganization grow. MARFORCOM:Maj Zoltar Mendoza/No Chief Billet MARFORRES: Vacant; LtCol Christian Galbraith (Aug 20) MGySgt James WarringtonGOMA Website I MEF:Maj Ryan Cleveland MGySgt Orlando Robinson https://www.usmcgoma.org 1st MarDiv:Maj Joe Saenz/MGySgt Joseph Kennedy 1st MLG:N/A/MGySgt Jose BalboaPleasegothewebsiteand lookatwhatisgrowing.If II MEF:LtCol Michael Lukkes youhaveanyrecommenda-2d MARDIV:Maj Mark Oldroyd/MGySgt John Piercetions,featurerequests,ques-tions, or concerns, dont hesi-2d MLG:Maj Jason Price/MGySgt Clovis Johnsontatetoemailyourorganiza-III MEF:LtCol Timothy Williams/MGySgt Juan MorationBoardofDirectorsorwebmaster@usmcgoma.org 3d MARDIV: Maj James Knight/MGySgt Mainor Carpiobranwith your input. 3rd MLG:MGySgt Charles Thompson You must be a member and loggedintoseeallofthe functions of the website.Thank You For Your Service HOctober 2020 H Military Appreciation Resource Magazine 47'