b'F-16 Fighting FalconNewcomersinformationF-35 Lightning IIThe first F-35A Lightning II arrived atfuture, knowledge is power, and the F-35s advanced sensor Luke AFB March 10, 2014. package will gather and distribute more information thanany fighter in history. The fifth-generation F-35A Lightning II integrates advancedThe F-35 is designed to be a key net-enabling node in a stealth technology into a highly agile, supersonic aircraft thatsystem of systemsan information gatherer and transmitter provides the pilot with unprecedented situational awarenessin a vast network. Its tremendous processing power, openand unmatched lethality and survivability. As new threatsarchitecture, powerful sensors, information fusion andemerge, it is more important than ever for U.S. and alliedflexible communications links will make the F-35 anfighter fleets to fly the F-35 stealth fighter, the worlds onlyindispensable tool in future homeland defense, joint andfifth-generation international aircraft. While each aircraft iscoalition irregular warfare, and major combat operations.uniquely designed to operate from different environments, allThe Lightning II is 51.4 feet long with a span of 35 feet. Thethree variants set new standards in network-enabled missionF-35 establishes new levels of operational availability. With systems, sensor fusion and supportability. The F-35 redefinessimplicity and ease of maintenance designed in, the aircraft the multirole fighter. brings unprecedented reliability and maintainability, along The conventional takeoff and landing F-35A is a multirole,with a reduced deployment footprint. The need for support supersonic, stealth fighter that has extraordinary acceleration,equipment has been reduced, and logistics are streamlined agility and 9-G maneuverability. In the battle space of theand automated.An F-35A Lightning II flies alongside an F-16 Fighting Falcon at Luke Air Force Base, Arizonz. (Courtesy photo by Matthew Short)THE EPICENTER OF AIRPOWER LUKE AIR FORCE BASE 53'