b'.Navy-Marine Corps Relief ccontinued from pg. 11 We provide emergency funds for:FINANCIAL EDUCATION HSailors or Marines to visit sick or dying loved onesON BABY EXPENSES HFamily members to visit Sailors or Marines who are Expecting a baby is an exciting time for a family. Planning severely ill or injuredfor the financial impact of a baby is an important part of yourNO APPOINTMENT NECESSARYpreparations. Start your planning with our free Budget forTo get emergency travel assistance, simply walk into our Baby workshop. office. Theres no need to make an appointment. Bring these The workshop will help you develop a family budget, giveitems with you:you tips on how to save money, and introduce you to otherHMilitary ID cardexpectant Navy and Marine Corps parents.HMost recent leave and earnings statement (LES)Every participant receives a gift that includes a baby or retiree account statement (RAS)blanket handmade by a Society volunteer. HEmergency leave papersWe also offer free, one-on-one budget counselingWell give you a check for the funds you need. Youll needand financial education. to sign a form agreeing to repay the loaned funds. Loans are EMERGENCY TRAVEL interest free so youll only repay the amount you borrowed. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR URGENT TRAVEL You wont begin repaying the loan until you return from Travelling to be with a sick or dying loved one oftenemergency leave.requires transportation. If youre approved for emergencyAFTER-HOURS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCEleave and need the money to travel, we can help you with anIf you need urgent help and your local NMCRS office is interest-free loan. closed, instructions for emergency assistance are available Other times, you may need urgent funds for food, rent, orby calling the local NMCRS office phone number. utilities. If you or your family is in danger of going withoutWHO IS ELIGIBLE?these necessities, please seek assistance through theseFor help with urgent travel funds, you must be an:services: HActive duty or retired Sailor or MarineFinancial assistance and counseling HEligible family member with military ID cardHQuick Assist LoanHSurviving spouseContract# 5542 HReservist on extended active duty of 30 days or moreHQUALIFYING SITUATIONS2020 Military Appreciation Resource Book .continued on page 15Thank You For Your Service Military Appreciation Resource Magazine 13'